
Monday, 28 April 2014

SSAFA 10k Run (And Picnic!)

Had the most tremendous day yesterday! I took part in the SSAFA Cumbria 10km charity run held at Holker Hall. This was my first 10km run since the Ulverston Pudding Run back in December. I'd had lots of training this last few weeks so was very excited about it. There was also the promise of a rather enormous Wind Cheetah picnic for after the run too, so Andy and the boys came along as well, to cheer and eat!

The 'before' pic!

The weather was meant to be cloudy and possibly showery as well so we definitely weren't expecting the sunshine and warm weather we ended up with. I ran with a lovely cheetah friend, Kimberley, and neither of us stopped the entire 10km save for grabbing a cup of water at about 6km. It's the most I've ever run without stopping! We both finished the run in 1.25.18, crossing the finish line together. William ran out from where he had been watching the runners coming in and joined us too. The clapping and cheering that met us there at the finish made me quite emotional and I was trying quite hard not to cry! What a supportive crowd!

Unfortunately the medals had run out  by the time I finished (due to having a BRILLIANT turnout) but the organisers have said they will be posting one out so I'll have that to look forward to!

The boys had a great time as well, playing in the park grounds at Holker Hall, doing a bit of exploring whilst I was running and then they cheered on the runners coming back to the finish line. They also had a good time playing with the other mini-cheetahs who came along for the day.

The picnic afterwards did not disappoint either! Plentiful tubs, boxes and plates containing all sorts of delicious stuff and more than enough to go around. Andy made some sausage rolls, potato salad and brownies for our contribution.

After much scoffing we eventually packed up and made our way home having had a fantastic family day out. I can thoroughly recommend this run for anyone wanting to try a 10k, and we'll be back next year!

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