
Saturday, 12 April 2014

Cubs Week 2 and Purple parkrun

The boys have had another great week joining in with the Walney Wind Cheetah cubs beginners group. This week we've run for 2 minutes and walked for 3, coupled with more great games like 'stuck in the mud' which William thought was hilarious! Didn't rain on us this week, although it's been quite breezy down by the shore!

They've mostly managed very well keeping up with everyone and of course it does help that the front of the group always loops back to make sure everyone stays together. I took my garmin forerunner to the last session and found that at the back of the group we had run/walked for 3.92 km! Not bad for a Monday and Wednesday evening and certainly more exercise than we were getting before!

Barrow parkrun turned purple this morning in remembrance of Alice Pyne and her charity Alice's Escapes which gives very sick children the chance of a lovely holiday in the lakes. We donned our purple t-shirts and tops (although these got covered quite a bit due to the chilly weather!) and joined in as usual. It was also a special parkrun for our friend Ian who completed his 100th parkrun and another little lad who completed his 10th so lots of celebrating as well.

We are thrilled that Sam got a new personal best of 50.15 smashing his old time by just over 2 minutes! It's still slow going but he is making progress which is fantastic!  After the run we went to the park cafe and the boys had some very delicious looking cakes for a donation to Alice's Escapes. There were plenty of hungry parkrunners about so I hope lots of money was raised!

Looking forward to another week of running!

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