
Thursday, 4 June 2015

Crazy Cow 10k and Crazy Calf Fun Run

On Sunday we were lured out to the Preston area for Andy to take part in the Crazy Cow 10k in Penwortham. I say lured because it was the promise of an unusual reward that got him signed up. A cowbell! That's right, we made a 3 hour round trip so Andy could run for a cowbell. That's how bonkers dedicated we are. I was so jealous!! There happened to be a one mile fun run as well, the Crazy Calf, which the boys took part in so all was good.

The weather fairies were not doing their job on the last day of May though and it was cold and wet when we left the house and cold and wet when we arrived in Preston. Luckily, the children's registration had been set up in the cricket clubhouse so we stayed warm and dry for a bit!

When it was time for the children's race we headed out to the path where it would start from. Conveniently the rain had stopped a little while before. I was running with Sam and William ran on his own as I'd checked the route was safe when I registered them. Andy saw us off then headed back to the finish at the cricket club to wait for us to arrive. William positioned himself at the front of the start and Sam and I were a little further back. Soon we were off and it was a really nice little course on a tarmac path through the woods.

The run was well marshaled by mooing and cowbell ringing individuals. Sam and I eventually emerged onto a gravelly path near the finish where there were some HUGE puddles and he decided to jump through about three of them.

Soon we were at the finish and the boys each got a medal! Unfortunately William managed to fall over whilst running over to get his medal so was not a happy bunny for a little while, but he managed to run his fastest mile yet in 10.46 and came in 19th out of 50 participants. Sam was a bit slower due to quite a bit of walking this time and came in 38th place in 13.50. Fantastic effort from them both.

After the boys finished their run we got them changed out of their wet shoes and into wellies and said goodbye to Andy who wandered off to the start with our fellow Wind Cheetahs who were also taking part. We stayed near the finish whilst they set off. The boys amused themselves by throwing pebbles into the stream and generally faffing about. We found a spot on the other side of the stream in a field to watch the runners coming back in. Andy made it back in record time for him, 54.03 so was very pleased. And he received his cowbell too! Andy said it was a nice, flat run and that he would do it again (although it will be my turn for a cowbell next!).

We didn't stop long after seeing the other WWC through the finish line, it was just too cold! William took charge of Andy's cowbell and we were rather grateful when it fell on the floor of the car after about 15 minutes into the journey home!

1 comment:

  1. Whoop whoop for the cowbell! Congratulations to you all.
